Yamuna Body Rolling with Elizabeth

Body Rolling is a therapeutic technique that soothes
your muscles and joints.

Relax Your Muscles & Relieve Your Pain with YBR Florida

This practice enables people to understand how their bodies are put together, so that they may lead healthy, active lives, free from injury.

Two balls and one ball is sitting on a table
Two people are doing a yoga pose on the floor.

Feeling your muscles and listening to the messages they bring to you is the best way to learn your anatomy.

Body Rolling, Body Sustainability

A woman laying on the bed with an object in her lap.

Yamuna Body Rolling will free restrictions, eliminate stress and tension and create a calm and balanced body.

A ball is just a ball without the right education.

Two balls are sitting on a table in front of lamps.

YBR promotes correct alignment and frees energy, giving a complete workout strengthening core and toning muscles.

Eliminate Stress

Upcoming Events

A view of an island from above.

Blissful Body Rolling Retreat in Belize Nov 1-6, 2024

Get ready for an UnBelizeable Getaway ~
Blissful Body Rolling Wellness Retreat Nov 1-6, 2024

Yamuna Body Rolling

Body Rolling is an excellent way to release tight and painful muscles by using color-coded sized YBR Balls that can be applied to muscles and joints while on the floor, sitting or in-bed on almost any painful area of the body.

It’s an excellent self-healing technique that can open and bring relief to chronic areas of tension. Experiencing a body rolling class or a private one on one session can be a real lifesaver when it comes to pain and tension in the body, which eventually can rob you of vital life energy.

This is an experiential approach to complete muscle release based on the principles of Body Logic, which was created by Yamuna Zake.  We believe taking care of the body should be easy and affordable, ideally taught in schools.  This would prevent the many unnecessary structural problems that eventually afflict us and age us before our time.  One must maximize length and space of all body parts to optimize functionality.

As proper space is created, the body’s intelligence and muscle memory can naturally shift the body into correct alignment. Body Rolling gives you the ability to “work on yourself” anytime, anywhere, forever.


YBR gives you improved posture, Increased range of motion, Improved alignment, muscle tone, flexibility and organ function. YBR starts by stimulating the bone, and elongates the entire muscle and tendon, allowing it to reach its full length.

In a static stretch, only the belly of the muscle is worked, while the tendons remain in a shortened state. YBR is a much more effective tool for those looking to enhance muscle length and range of motion.

Improved posture and range of motion

Improved alignment in all parts of the body

Increased muscle tone, and strength

Increased flexibility

"After my first Body rolling class, I felt energized and alive! The class was well taught. There were adaptations for everyone's needs. All the techniques were thoroughly demonstrated. Elizabeth really lives what she teaches!"

Susan R.

Freedom from old restrictive patterns caused by injury

Better balance, as core strength develops

Stress reduction as the ball stimulates the spinal nerve roots

Body Sustainability

Increased organ function

A woman is doing an exercise on the floor

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